Support of a complex-structured transaction on sale of a manufacturing and trading holding company

Client: a manufacturing and trading holding company (annual turnover more than 5 billion).

arrangement and support of a complex-structured transaction on sale of a manufacturing and trading holding company.


1. A group of companies subject to sale was integrated into a single holding structure.
2. Several rounds of negotiations were held with the buyer (during more than 2 months).
3. A preliminary sale agreement was concluded, followed by a general sale agreement.
4. A set of cross-guarantees between the beneficiaries of the seller and the buyer was signed.
5. All transactions between the parties with the use of bank instruments were supported and controlled.
6. A procedure for the acquisition by a part of the beneficiaries of the selling party the part of the buying party’s business by registering an individual legal entity and introducing it into the business structure of the buyer was secured, accompanied and controlled.

The case was conducted by
A Founding Partner,
criminal-defense attorney, expert in the field of legal and economic security of entrepreneurship.
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